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Frost On A Cool Fall Morning

Inspiration... where does it come from? How do you get it? What do you do with it when it comes. Songwriting doesnt exist without inspiration. That inspiration can come from anywhere. It can come from the things you see every day or the things you don't see every day. It can come from the back of a cereal box or a place deep in your soul. It can be seen in a photograph, heard in the song of a bird, smelled in the kitchen or on the street. It could be a single word or a full sentance. It could come from a sigh of sadness, a loud, boisterios laugh or from complete silence. It can't be touched but it can come from a touch. All your senses can work together or they can work as individual sources for inspriration.

There's something in your mind that triggers the inspiration. I was looking for something in a cabinet one day and saw a box of hair clolor. The picture on the box was a beautiful woman with long blond hair. I don't remember the brand but the color was called Frost. It immediately had me thinking about using that single word and building a song around it. Here is the first part of a song that popped into my head:

Frost was her name and she came on a cool fall morning

She took my heart away without a warning

Dancing 'round while the leaves fell down

Barefoot on that autum ground

Took my hand, said "Won't you dance with me?"

Inspiration can come from anywhere. It comes to all of us. It's all around us. It's inside us. We just have to recognize it when we see it. If an idea, an inspiration if you will, pops into your head, write it down in a notebook. It may go no where for a long time but when you're needing to break writers block or looking for a direction to take a song a peek inside your own head (your notebook) can be just the kick you're looking for.

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